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VS_InitPrtr()        Select/add/edit a printer configuration              CHG


  VS_InitPrtr() allows the user to select, add, or edit the control
  codes for a printer from a pick list of all "known" printers.  The
  user can add additional and/or update existing printer control codes.


  l_Success = VS_InitPrtr( [l_Return] )


  l_Return is a logical expression that should be set to .T. if you
  want VS_InitPrtr() to return immediately if the user has already
  selected a printer.  If omitted or if set to .F., VS_InitPrtr() will
  ask the user to select (and optionally define) a printer.


  l_Success is a logical expression that will be set to .T. if the
  user successfully selected a printer, otherwise it will be set to .F.


  You may provide VS_InitPrtr() as a menu selection, or it will be
  presented to the user automatically the first time one of the printer
  functions is used.




  VS_InitPrtr() presents a pick list of the printers contained in
  PRINTERS.DBF.  The user can press [F10] to update the associated codes
  or can press [Insert] to add a new printer definition.

See Also: Printers
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson